Saturday, October 20, 2007

OC's Cock Block

I know everyone's dying for details of Thursday night. Unfortunately, I do not have much to report. The evenings festivities were sabotaged by OC. Whether intentionally or sub-consciously, he sabotaged the evening. Now, I'd love to think it was a deliberate play because he's really madly in love with me, but the truth is, it most likely was sub-conscious for one of these three reasons: 1) Even though he is really happy with his girlfriend, he's one of those people that don't want you, but don't want anyone else to have you either. You know the type. They're selfish, and there's no reason behind it, they just would be jealous to know you're with someone else. 2) He enjoys making fun of me and calling me desperate and if I was in a happy, healthy relationship, he wouldn't be able to make fun of me anymore. 3) he really is just THAT clueless.

So, here's what happened, OC invited friends to this happy hour. He was well aware of the plan for the evening, he was supposed to leave around 7 so that Cat and I could move to the bar and have the lawyers come up and start casual conversation with us. MD followed the plan to a Tee. Well, not OC. He didn't even end up leaving until after the lawyer happy hour was over so he could most efficiently cock block us. Cat and are talking about changing his name from OC to CB. I don't know why Cat and I stayed at the table humoring his friends, we should have just left them. They weren't our friends.

But anyways, it could have all gone down so well. Mark was making major eye contact from the 6-7 o'clock hour. If we had moved to the bar when originally planned, I can guarantee he would have sidled up to the bar and made small talk. But no, we were at the table humoring OC's lame friends and by the time we moved to the bar, it was after 8. There were only a few people left, Mark was one of the last one's since he's sort of in charge and there was definitely a gaggle of girls around him. Barf! (As a side note, I was clearly the most attractive. Apparently to be a female lawyer in this association, you have to be a minimum of 40 lbs overweight, and wear frumpy clothes - an observation made not only by Cat and I, but also MD, OC and OC's friends). Mark left shortly after and that was it. A huge let down. It wouldn't have been so bad if we hadn't talked about it for the past few months, or if the reason we didn't talk to Mark was for a reason other than OC. But I tell you, when you're anticipating something and then it doesn't happen, you can't put words around the anti-climax you feel.

The next day MD asked how it went. I filled him in, and he said the ground work was there. Mark was definitely looking over at the table. All we have to do is run into him or something soon. But I've been trying to "run into" him for a few months. We are just not on the same schedule for lunch, leaving and arriving, etc. This happy hour was supposed to be when we "ran into" each other, and OC went and effed the whole thing up. And yea, I am pissed at him. Especially since he doesn't care, doesn't even seem to know why it was inappropriate and rude to invite friends.

Anyways, I'm just pissed I don't have anything more exciting to report. - MAXI

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