Wednesday, December 12, 2007

For Whom the Smell Tolls

It's one of those days where I feel like doing nothing. I had left over Mexican from dinner with Mary last night. I heated up the flautas and plopped my ass on the sofa. However, as lazy as I'm feeling, I still wanted to write this blog.

This afternoon as I was walking from my car to my apartment I experienced several smells within the short two block walk. First, I smelled a cheap red wine. As I rounded the block I caught a whiff of tobacco. What's with the odor of vices? I imagine d a bum sitting in a doorstep indulging himself in this unseasonably warm weather. As I continued down the block I thought I smelled the Industial sandwhich, one of my favorites the local deli across the street. At my arrival to my apartment the last smell I reveled in was the delicious, intoxicating flavors of Thai cooking. I'm glad that the smells ended up being a little bit better than the one before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice Cat, very nice indeed. I applaud you on your sensory imagery you conjure up in your readers as you invite them into your world.