Friday, December 21, 2007

The Twelve (additional) Inches of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas, my toffee gave to me
More fatness on my belly

On the second day of Christmas, my cookies gave to me
Two more chins
And the fatness on my belly

On the third day of Christmas, my egg nog gave to me.....

And the story goes on. Anyway, I ended up 10 pounds heavier and 12 additional inches all over my body. Yikes! What am I going to do? New Year's resolutions means it's time to go hardcore and get this body back into shape. Don't I want to give the Drug Rep something memorable to see this first time? Or am I trying to keep the lights off for a few months until I can tone my tush?

<2 Cat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

agh! i can feel your pain! more specifically, i can see your pain, and not on you, but me. i look so foul! hard core here i come!