Monday, June 23, 2008

Man I love these younger boys

Well, I now have SBP4. Haha, not really in the least, but potential for some serious scandal! This past Saturday, Cat and I and another friend went to one of my favorite bars. I usually have good success at this bar. I met the Major, Coach, and another guy I dated on and off for over a year at this bar. Like I said, this bar usually turns out some dates. Cat, M and I are sitting at a high table, and I see someone at the bar that I recognize. It took a little while for it to register, but then I remembered it was a guy I used to teach a few years ago. (I used to teach high school math, but have been at my current job for 3 years now).

I tap him on the shoulder, and he instantly recognizes me. We get to talking, and it sounds like he's doing well for himself. He really was a complete slacker in high school. I had him in Geometry as a junior (it was his second go round). He used to drive me crazy, but in a good, kind of weird way. For example, he was wildly inappropriate all the time. He would ask me all these sex questions, like had I ever had a threesome, when did I lose my virginity, would I ever sleep with a 17 year old. I think at the time, he was living with his sister instead of at home, and whenever I would call the mom, she was like "he's not my responsibility anymore." I do remember once he was getting something out of his wallet and a ton of condoms fell out. I was like "what do you need these for?" He was like "girl, I can rock your world better than any guy your age." (I think I was 23 at the time). Apparently he was dating a 22 year old and he would always bring that up as reason why it was okay for him to be so sexually inappropriate with me. I don't know why, but I liked it in a weird, perverse way.

So, this might sound bad, but I always wanted to make out with a former student, just for the story, and just so he would have one hell of a story to tell his buddies. So, the more I'm talking, the more I'm remembering how I secretly enjoyed his inappropriate attention, and the more I'm thinking he would be the perfect guy to make out with. So, in the middle of the conversation, I just blurt out "So, I think we should make out." He looks at me, trying to take it all in, and goes "okay." So, I proceed to tell him that I've always wanted to make out with a former student, and just never found the right one, and I think he'd be the right one. And really I wanted to do it so that the guy would have a good story for his friends, and wouldn't he like to tell all his friends that he made out with me? Seriously, it was like telling a five year old they may get a puppy. He was ecstatic! So, I continue with this perverse conversation, but tell him I'm probably not drunk enough to do it, but I want us to do it, we need to set it up. He's trying to buy me shots of tequila and all this.

A little bit later, Cat's ready to go, so I tell him I have to leave. He manages to get my number (and by manage, he simply asks for it, I'm such a number whore!). Well, this is where it gets really out of control! He texts me later that night.

Ex-High School Student (HSS): "you know what ms. (last name)/maxi i have always thought about hooking up with you, but thought it was just a dream. I may be young, but i know how to make you forget your name."

Me: HSS i'm serious, i'm all about it
I go to bed at this time and don't get these until the next morning.
HSS: I really wish you were. Cause i would love to spend the night with you and show you a hell of a time. But i feel like you would not be down."

HSS: That was prob a little too forward. Sorry

HSS:I guess that was a little forward

HSS: Ok nevermind

The next morning I wake up and see these wildly inappropriate texts and reply back with:

Me: Haha, I just got these now.


HSS: I ended up getting wasted last night

HSS: I don't remember what i said (yea effing right, he just doesn't want to feel foolish)

Me: Nothing bad, I mean, I thought you were fun. And anything that you may have said that could be construed as inappropriate was completely instigated by me

HSS: Yea you did instigate this whole thing. But now you got me thinkin about it, but either way im still glad we ran into each other

Isn't that the most ridiculous story ever? And here's the worst part, his texts got me really intrigued! I was purely just talking about making out, and he took it to a whole new level. And now, I sort of want to find out if he really can make me forget my name. I am so not one to be involved in scandals like this. The number of guys I've been intimate with can be counted on one hand, and here I am, wanting to increase my number with a 21 year old, who never went to college, has 2 DUI's, probably no license or job, and is a former student. I mean, the story would spread like wildfire. I have a reputation to uphold and although the part of me that never misbehaves is dying to find out, the part that realizes I have to live in this city and potentially have my name associated with sleeping with a guy 7 years my junior, and a former student, is winning the debate (fortunately, I might add. We all know I'd regret this the next morning).

Anyways, I doubt I hear from him again, but even if we didn't make out, the story that he has for his friends about how I propositioned him, may be just as good as actually making out.

Summertime always makes me feel wild, but then fall comes around, and I have to deal with the repercussions. The more situations I get in with people such as HSS, or the college sophomore, the more I realize, I have MAJOR cougar potential.

xoxo, Maxi

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