Thursday, June 5, 2008

eHarmon-me: Day 39

Oh my, do I have some news for you! Last night, Cat was doing some snooping on Match and found Fun Fat! Haha! Of course, he had the usual “Over the bar scene” line going on. I need to get rid of him (didn't I say that a few days ago?). The only reason I got this far with him anyways is because Cat was egging me on. I never thought he was cute, I was never attracted to anything about his personality. Plus, he's really intense. His first email to me was May 19. I responded May 22. He wrote back May 23. I didn’t reply back yet, then he wrote again on the 26th. I was sort of leaving him out to dry (I feel a little bit bad about that, but not too much), then he wrote again on June 2nd asking was anyone home and he hoped I wasn't ignoring him because he thought we had a lot of potential, and he was looking forward to getting to know me, and he could see us together!! I finally wrote him back last night, saying I was sorry I was busy. He immediately wrote back. His emails are kind of intense, and I’m just not into his emails. Anyways, seeing him on Match just confirmed that I need to close him out. I wonder how many people he’s talking to. Or (and this is going to sound vain, but it’s the truth), if I’m one of the more attractive girls he’s talking to so he’s excited.

Oh! And someone else interesting was found on Match. There was another guy that I'm in OC with. He's okay. Normal, cute, okay emails with him. Well, on eH, he said he had a son, who was the light of his life, and all this. I even asked about him in 2nd questions, and the guy was all about how great his son was, unfortunately he didn't get to see him as much as he wanted because he lives with the mom. Well, on match, this guy definitely said he didn't have any kids! That's a little weird, right? Kind of shady? Also, let's say his name was Steve? He spelled it Steven on one site, and Stephen on the other. Even more shady. Weird. I think he needs to get the boot as well.

Engineer and I have still been emailing, but nothing has matriculated as far as talking on the phone or meeting. We have some good banter, I will say that. He’s very clever and witty and smart, and our emails really feed off of each other’s well. I definitely would like for us to meet. We’ll see what happens. I don’t know how to proceed. What’s the average time on OC before it either goes to the next level or fades away? Who needs to make the next move? I started communication with him (pretty brazen of me, huh?) but still want him to be traditional and ask to meet me first.

All this flirty email reminds me of TC. This blog was not around during TC’s time, but let me give you some quick background. My friend thought TC and I would make a cute couple, so she gave him my myspace page. He must have liked what he saw, because he started emailing me. We flirted back and forth for a few weeks, but he wasn’t making any moves. Finally, I wrote “well, it was nice emailing you, maybe we’ll bump into each other sometime.” It was just getting old just emailing. Anyways, he wrote back “maybe we should bump into each other on purpose” (or something like that) and we met. Unfortunately I can’t do that with Engineer for two reasons. 1. I’m on this site, isn’t the purpose to meet someone, not just have an email buddy? 2. He doesn’t live in the same city as me. So, I’m kind of at a lose on how to proceed. Oh! This is important about TC. We had some great, witty, funny, flirty email banter. Much like Engineer and I do. However, when I met TC in real life, he was such a dud, I couldn’t believe it. Zero personality. How can someone be so great online, but so terrible in real life? I wonder if that’s how Engineer’s going to be (if we ever meet that is).

No new news on the CJ front. The girl from my work is going to try to plan a happy hour next Thursday and see if he comes. I think if he doesn't come then that will let me know what he thinks about me, because if he really liked me, he'd make sure he was there. Then, if he doesn't ask for my digits then, then I'm going to not worry about him anymore. Because the first meeting (at the cookout) I think set the stage. Then, at the concert, we were hard core flirting, then Saturday at the bar, it was more like tension flirting, you know what I mean, right? When I say tension? So, I think the next meeting is going to be do or die. If he does, then awesome, if he doesn't, then time to move on, I don't need a bumblehead like that anyways.

xoxo, Max

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